
我们中的许多人对我们的汽车都有一种特殊的亲和力. 汽车通常被称为女性,有些人甚至为他们的车辆命名. 我们经常定制我们的汽车,使它们成为我们自己的. 我们甚至可以简单地称之为“经典”.”

At 澳博app下载 in Las Vegas, we can insure all kinds of vehicles, including classic cars. 但怎样才能让你的车成为“经典”呢??


Generally speaking, a classic car is one that was manufactured at least 25 years ago.

It may have nothing to do with its value or condition but simply about its age. There can, however, be a wide difference in the value of what is considered a classic car. Factors that can impact the value of a classic car not only include its condition but also its make and model year, 引擎的大小, 受欢迎程度, 和罕见. 少量生产的汽车, 例如, 往往比大批量生产的产品更有价值. 

If, 例如, 你有一辆用了30年的车,行驶里程很低,几乎在展厅里, 它的价值将远远超过“账面”价值. Cars that have been meticulously restored will also have more value than an unrestored one.

This is why working with an insurance company that understands classic cars can be so critical. We can make sure you are protected for the full value of your vehicle and how it is used.


并非所有25年的车都是一样的. 我们了解这些差异. 如果您已经投资或拥有一辆老爷车,请澳博app.

我们是澳博app下载, 为整个澳博app下载服务, NV地区, 为老爷车投保只是我们工作的一部分. Reach out to us to discuss your vehicle and what coverage may be appropriate for you and your car. 我们期待着帮助您.


对于内华达州澳博app下载地区的许多人来说,拥有一辆老爷车可能是一个梦想. 当你拥有一辆老爷车的时候, you will have an asset that you are truly proud of and will love to care for and drive around on occasion. 当你要买一辆老爷车的时候, 选择合适的保险是非常重要的. A classic car insurance plan tends to be the right type of coverage as it offers various forms of support that can make it a good option. 


A great reason to get a classic car insurance plan is to protect your vehicle. A classic car insurance policy is unique as it can be curtailed to cover the full value of your vehicle. 因为这些车辆可以升值, you will enjoy being able to lock the appreciation in through a proper insurance plan. With classic car insurance, you can negotiate a fair replacement value with the insurer.


If you ever intend to drive your classic car, you need to have liability coverage. 因为你可能会谨慎驾驶这辆车, a classic car insurance plan could be ideal as the premium will be based on how much you expect to drive. 在许多情况下,这会降低责任覆盖成本. 


如果你在澳博app下载有一辆老爷车, NV, 确保你有适当的保险范围是很重要的. You can protect your valuable investment by contacting our specialized team at 澳博app下载. We understand the necessity of this coverage and will help you choose the perfect plan tailored to your specific requirements. You can rely on our personalized approach to ensure the right protection for your unique situation. 

经典澳博app and 内华达’s New Classic Car Plate Laws: Everything You Need to Know

从2023年开始, the state of 内华达 will require you to carry classic car insurance if you wish to obtain classic car plates. As such, you may be looking to obtain classic car insurance in the state of 内华达. 这里是澳博app下载, 为整个澳博app下载服务, NV区域, we can help.



Your vehicle is much cheaper to register and does not have smog requirements if you have a classic car plate in the state of 内华达. 然而, 许多人把他们的旧车登记为老爷车, even though their cars are not technically classic vehicles and even though they drive their cars often. 这不是政府想要的, 因此, they have implemented this new law to ensure only classic cars can get classic car plates. 


如果你已经拥有经典车牌,法律确实会影响你. 你必须在续保日期前购买经典澳博app, or you will have to give up your classic car plates and get new plates from the 内华达 department of motor vehicles. 


Many people are taking advantage of classic car plates in the state of 内华达, 因此, the state of 内华达 has implemented a law that requires you to carry classic car insurance if you are obtaining classic car plates. 这里是澳博app下载, 为整个澳博app下载服务, NV区域, we can help you obtain classic car insurance so you can keep or get new classic car license plates for your classic vehicle. 


A classic car is more than a vehicle — it’s a collection of memories and heritage. 因为这是一笔可观的投资, 你不会希望你的古董出事的, 古董, 或者你的老爷车. One sure way of protecting it from the unthinkable is by investing in classic car insurance.

标准澳博app和传统澳博app一样吗? 好吧, this is one of the many frequently asked questions about classic car insurance we receive at 澳博app下载. 为此目的, we’ve prepared some frequently asked questions about classic car insurance that can help you get the right insurance for your toy.


Classic car insurance is dedicated insurance for vehicles that are generally over 25 years. 然而,现代经典也属于这一类. The other requirements for your car to qualify for classic car insurance include:

  • 把车存放在安全的地方
  • 年度限制里程-你的经典不应该是日常的车
  • 不要在赛道上开车
  • 司机必须年满25岁


No, classic car insurance differs from standard car insurance in many features. 最重要的一点是,它允许一个商定的价值覆盖. The agreed value policy allows you and your insurer to decide on the value of your classic car, 如果你的车报废了,赔偿额是多少. 


Most of the classic car coverages are similar to those of standard car insurance. 它们包括:

  • 责任保险
  • 全面的覆盖
  • 碰撞的报道
  • 保险不足/未保险的驾驶者覆盖范围
  • 医疗支付
  • 特殊零件保险
  • 无出席覆盖率


还有一些关于经典澳博app的未解之谜? 不要犹豫,与澳博app下载取得联系. 如果你需要保险, you can count on us for an affordable and comprehensive classic car insurance policy.